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Treating Osteoarthritis Naturally With Home Remedies and Food Prescriptions

Updated on October 5, 2014
Osteoarthritis can be managed using Home Remedies and Diet
Osteoarthritis can be managed using Home Remedies and Diet

Causes of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a common cause for joint pain and disability in the ageing population. It affects millions all over the world and causes pain and discomfort, along with stiffness and restricted mobility.

OA develops over a period of time, due to decades of wear and tear. Obesity plays a pivotal role, more so, when it comes to the weight bearing joints – knee and hip. Being over weight can speed up the progression of the disease significantly. Arthritis also occurs when the body fails to repair the cartilage that has got damaged or eroded. Overuse of the joint, occupationally and / or athletically; congenital joint defect and injury to the joint are important etiological factors. Research says, genetics also has a key part to play in the development of OA.

Fortunately there are various home remedies and supplements for treating arthritis natrually.

Osteoarthritis Symptoms

Common manifestations of arthritis are:

  • Pain and discomfort of the affected joint. The onset of OA is more often than not gradual. The pain comes on in the morning and aggravates after exercise; it is usually better after rest.
  • Stiffness
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Bone growths or spurs may develop within the joint, causing excruciating pain; this can be seen in the X ray.

Though the knee joint is the most commonly affected joint, osteoarthritis can also affect the spine, resulting in back pain, shoulder joint and other joints of the body.

Osteoarthritis Natural Remedies

  • Ginger: Ginger is the most effective food prescription for OA. Ginger is an excellent herb that banishes pain and stiffness significantly. The herb is packed with compounds known as gingerols which are anti inflammatory in nature. Gingerols reduce the process of inflammation within the joint and thereby reduce the swelling and pain. A decoction of the herb, taken twice daily will yield wonderful results.
  • Garlic: Garlic is another superb prescription to fight OA naturally. It battles swelling and inflammation effectively. Have 2 to 3 flakes of raw garlic everyday.
  • Black sesame seeds: black sesame seeds are chockfull of calcium. They supply loads of calcium, and thus prevent further demineralization and degeneration of the bone. Black sesame manages stiffness and discomfort associated with OA and thereby improves the range of motion of the joint.

Diet for Osteoarthritis: Regimen For Osteoarthritis

In addition to incorporating the above mentioned food prescriptions, it is very vital that you follow an OA-friendly diet. Make sure the diet gives you plenty of the following nutrients,

  • Calcium which is available in cow’s milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, fish, drumsticks, and coriander.
  • Vitamin B complex which is present in high concentration in whole wheat, barley, and pulses
  • Magnesium present in high concentration in fresh fruits and nuts.
  • Also, steer clear off all refined and denatured food; These foods are high in unhealthy Fats and they tend to cause aggravation by bringing about further demineralization.
  • Try to maintain an ideal body weight. Obesity and being over weight puts extra load on the joints, thus weakening them and making management difficult.


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